Aviation Videos and Books That Will Actually Help You Fly

There are many aviation videos and books on the market that all claim to be "the one you need" or "must have" to be a good pilot. There are a lot. You can find a video on every aviation topic imaginable from talking on the radio, to bush flying to, probably, how to enter and exit an airplane. There are also some great movies that are just plain good that need to be mentioned. Books also abound on every aviation subject. Many are just regurgitations of government documents or things you should know just by being a pilot. But there are a lot of great books out there that will help you in your endeavor to become a good, safe pilot. I will be the first to admit that there are too many books and videos for me to do thorough job at reviewing them all. If you have a favorite book or video, send in your honest review. So with that said, the links below are reviews of some books and videos to get you started.

Stick and Rudder
The Airplane Flying Handbook
Winged Victory
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